Getting Your Tourist Visa Approved As An Employee: Documents needed


Traveling is also part of education which broadens the mind. It eases stress and boredomness as people break the normal routine of work and environment. Applying for tourist visa to make your visa to make that vacation come true is why we are here.

Depending on the purpose of traveling on tour basis, there are countries that requires visa whilst others visa free. In my previous article I published a compilation of visa free countries for Ghanaian passport holders and the requirements before entry. But today, I am going to tackle about what requirements and documents you need to secure a tourist visa. These are the general requirements to every country which requires a visa prior to entry for the purpose of traveling.

Recommended reading: List Of Visa Free Countries For Ghana Passport Holders

What documents must an employee provide?

To begin with, after applying for your tourist visa, visa fee payment and booked for interview or appointments, you will be required to provide this mandatory documents.

  First of all, getting your tourist visa approved requires an invitation letter. Invitation letter normally sent from a person, agent, event organizers and so on. The invitation letter being a mandatory document should contain the invitee’s name, passport details, purpose of invite. It should also indicate the entire duration of the invitee’s stay. For applicants traveling for the purpose of vacation or events, hotels or event organizers can issue a booked ticket for the event.

  Next on the documentation is a proof of accommodation to the destination country. A confirmed hotel ticket bearing the name of the person stipulating the duration of the person’s stay and the address of the facility should accompany the invitation letter. In some cases, the host who is inviting the applicant should include his or her address where the applicant will be staying if he or she wants the applicant to stay with them abroad.

  Also, getting your visa approved requires an introductory letter from the organization the applicant represents or work. The introductory letter must be on the company’s letterhead introducing the applicant’s position and how long they have been in the firm. The company can also explain the purpose of the applicant’s traveling and how beneficial it would yield on the company, if the company is the sponsor of the applicant’s traveling.

  Further, three months pay slips are required in the tourist visa application. The applicant must provide immediate past pay slips in the last three (3) months bearing the applicant’s name. Some of the information on the pay slips include salary break down, taxes, social security contribution etc and all showing the earnings of the applicant. By this, the applicant is able to demonstrate and convince the consular that he or she can cater for the trip.

 More so, social ties are another requirement for visa application. The applicant must demonstrate a proof that binds them to their home country such as marriage certificate if the applicant is married, child’s birth certificate and property or business documents of the applicant in their home country. With this, the applicant is telling the consular they would be returning to their home country as scheduled.

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 Lastly, some embassies require travel insurance in addition to the above mentioned documents before approval. The travel insurance is a protection against any risk while on your trip. It normally covers some specific expenses or loses, medical expenses, repatriation and delays incurred while overseas. Travel insurance is mostly provided for sale by Insurance Companies and some Bank.

Providing these documents genuinely devoid of false information, would get your tourist visa application approved.

Thank you for reading this article.