Travel News

Aviation: United Airlines Begins Operation in Ghana

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United Airlines has announced its operation to connect passengers between Ghana and the United States.

 The United Airlines which is a major American airline heard quartered in the Chicago, has extended its wings to Ghana. In a tweet spotted by adagya on the airline’s official twitter page, they wrote ‘’ we’ve touched down in Ghana’’. Celebrating their flight inauguration on 15th May 2021, they expressed their readiness and preparedness to deliver a smooth service.


Being the third largest airline in the world, the airline will be operating a three times weekly service between Washington Dulles International Airport and Ghana’s Kotoka International Airport. The days of operation will be between Fridays, Sundays and Wednesdays and will be a non-stop or direct service.

Passengers travelling to the united States can now have access to direct flight three times in a week in a fast and convenience.

We say ‘Akwaaba’ and wish them best of luck in their new reroute to Ghana.

Thank you for reading.

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