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Latest In Travel: Why Kate Middleton and Prince William Are Returning to U.S This Year?

Latest In Travel Why Kate Middleton and Prince William Are Returning to U.S This Year 4

Kate Middleton and Prince Williams are a bonafide part of the royal family in England. They are cherished and loved by the people of England and people from other parts of the world. Their recent travel has gotten the royal family talking off late.

The royal couple have made it known that they would be traveling to the United States of America. This has caused a lot of confusion among the royal family. This is because, the queen of England, Queen Elizabeth has expressed her disappointment with the decision of Kate Middleton and Prince Williams. She has advised that, they rather stay in London to avert any calamity that would come their way.

The couple, that is Kate Middleton and Prince Williams have all agreed to move to America for an award program. Hence, they would in turn stay there after the program. This decision by the couple is against the advice of the queen. They are mainly going there to give awards to this years’ five Earthshot prize winners.


The prestigious prize is chaired by Prince Williams, hence the main reason why he should go to America. The award seeks to give thumbs up to all those who have risen against global warming. The award will boost the confidence if the awardees in order for them to continue their good deeds. They will be awarded based on their efforts in combating the effects of climate change.  

Awards can be given to all those shown credence in tackling climate change. These contestants would be awarded based on the criteria that was put before them. These criteria are; the protection and restoration of nature, cleaning and removing unwanted particles from the air, reviving dead oceans, helping to build a waste-free world and fixing the effects of climate change.

The program will give each winner 1 million euros as it has been for decades. The main goal of the award scheme is to help hasten the decarbonization of the earth. It looks out for those who relentlessly help preserve the natural habitats of mankind and ensure that, they are duly awarded.

Prince Williams made it known in 2021 that, there is no time to delay the operations of the award scheme. Hence, it is prudently urgent he must travel to America to give those awards to those that humanly deserve it. He continued by saying that, he wants to give hope to all people that, the earth can be restored to avert the impending climate catastrophe coming the way of mankind. Hence, he is pleading on the queen of England to agree with his decision of moving to the United States of America.


Plans are way ahead in place to make sure that, every year a similar award scheme will be organized in one city through to 2030. He further enumerated that this year awards will take place at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Library in the United States of America. Prince Williams believes that, the location for this year’s award is perfect considering the historical background of the location. It is a well-known fact that J. F. Kennedy drew a plan to enable the first person to sail safety to the moon. Hence, it will inspire those to be awarded to know that, their deeds can bring a lasting change in the history of mankind.

The Prince exaggerated that, today, there is no moonshot that is sensibly important than repairing what greediness and industrial revolution have come to destroy, and he cannot get any city that can grant him the spirit of change and of the needed will power than Boston. The librarian of JFK library added that, it is a great privilege that the Earthshot Prize would be partnering with JFK library to host the award scheme.

Hence, the award scheme will serve as a great inspiration to all and sundry especially the youth. It will give them hope that they can also change the planet wherever they find themselves. And that, their good deeds towards planet earth will be seen and awarded in the right time.

The visit of Prince Williams and Kate Middleton will be the maiden visit the couple have visited the United States for quite a long time. They would be spending some months in America which would see an influx of people into the country just to have a glimpse of the couple. This is why the couple who be going to the United States of America.

Source: Travelandleisure

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